The Museum of Us - Arts Access Victoria 2021.
As part of The Museum of Us, I created a photo series aimed at shining light on inaccessible places, especially those considered ‘public’. I took photos outside housing developments, in retail, Centrelink, NDIS, public transport, hospitals, police stations, court houses, councils, and outside Parliament.
While we are starting to have disabled people as representatives in consulting or management, something important is for these roles to not be tokenistic, and for disabled voices to be amplified.
I also spoke about this at Alter State 2021.
Photography by Ferris Knight
EtGO of Stigma - Melbourne Fringe Festiva
l 2019
One step for the 1.2 mi
lion Victorians
living with menta
l i
Breaking expectations, boundaries, ru
les and assumptions, just one step at a time.
I walked across 80 metres of Lego to talk about mental health, taking it out of such a dark place to create a safe and accessible space for all to challenge their understandings.
Supported by Arts Access Victoria, The Dax Centre, Melbourne Fringe Festival, and Sane Austra
Photograph by ConiferHill Photography
Other productions include:
Four - Schizy Inc
Chain Reaction - Arts Access Victoria