Ferris Knight is a queer, neurodivergent and disabled writer, producer and advocate from Melbourne, Australia.
I mainly write about lived experiences with mental and physical health conditions, as well as queer politics and literary fiction. I have also worked with organisations such as Arts Access Victoria, The Dax Centre, Arts Centre Melbourne, and Women with Disabilities Victoria.
In 2019 I produced my first Melbourne Fringe Festival show LEtGO of Stigma, walking 80 metres across Lego barefoot to talk about living with hidden pain and the resilience of those with mental illnesses. In 2020 I was a part of the anthology Closet Cases: Queers on What We Wear from Et Alia Press, writing about sexual harassment of queer people.
I participated in the first Nexus professional development course from Arts Access Victoria in 2018, and in 2019 I returned as a co-facilitator. I was one of the Artist in Residences at The Other Film Festival in 2018. In 2019 I was part of the Being Enough fellowship, also from Arts Access Victoria.
In 2021 I was the editor of Backstory, a literary journal focused on history, and from 2021-2022 was part of West Writers from Footscray Arts.
I have completed a Certificate IV in Professional Writing and Editing at Victoria University in 2020, Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing at Swinburne University in 2021, and now am studying a Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)(Professional Writing and Publishing) through Curtin University.
I am represented by Champions Health Agency.
My pronouns are they/them.